Reasons Why FOMO Isn’t An Excuse To Take Out A Loan

With the rise of social media, advertisers have never been more aggressive in persuading people to buy their products or services. One way they do that is to make their audience feel like they’re missing out for not becoming customers. This has been fairly effective, and some customers even took out a loan just for these products and services. 

However, this isn’t a wise move. Remember, the need to keep up with others is not a good reason to borrow money. Here are the reasons why.

In today’s fast-paced world, the fear of missing out (FOMO) can lead to impulsive financial decisions. Instead of taking out loans impulsively, consider seeking professional guidance to manage your finances. If you’re facing challenges with debt, credit counselling singapore can offer the support and strategies you need to regain control of your financial future.

The Satisfaction Will Be Short

The main idea behind marketing is to boost sales. Part of their strategy to achieve that is to analyse the behaviour of the current market. Therefore, their method must be effective if purchasing their product or service makes you feel like a member of the in-crowd. 

Those who gave in will definitely feel a sense of satisfaction, but how long it will last is the question. For many people, this satisfaction fades when they realize that the product or service didn’t improve their lives or make them feel better about themselves. The worst-case scenario for this is for those who took out a loan just to buy said product or service. Imagine being stuck with a financial obligation for something that didn’t make you genuinely happy.

Your Purchase Might Not Be What You Truly Want 

Let’s say you want to buy a particular gadget that everybody seems to have. Unfortunately, you’re short at the moment, so you decided to take out a small loan for it. But when you’ve finally bought it, you realize that it’s not what you truly want. At this point, you’re stuck with something you were just swept by the hype with, as well as a loan that you have to pay. 

Before making any purchases that will require you to take out a loan, evaluate if you truly want that particular item, or if you’re just being influenced by your peers or what you see on social media. 

You Can Resist FOMO

Assume you have a limited budget and don’t want to take out a loan you can’t pay. And you should look into a healthier and more financially responsible course of action to help you overcome FOMO and the impulsiveness of taking out a loan. 

For example, you feel like you need a new phone even though you just bought one last year. On top of that, you’re short at the moment, so you’re thinking of taking out a loan for one. The key here is to not get tempted into buying something you don’t really need, especially if your financial situation doesn’t call for it. 


FOMO isn’t always a negative thing. It also can be a powerful motivator. However, it’s also important to recognise that FOMO will never be a reason to take out a loan just to buy something impulsively. Instead, one must learn to evaluate what they truly want and need while tuning out influences, and only take out loans from and other money lenders for more important things. By doing this, one will be able to avoid the bad side of FOMO when it comes to purchases and borrowing money. 

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