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Tech that Can Significantly Change Entertainment

The world of entertainment has significantly changed in the 21st century. The reason is, of course, the rapid, and quick development of digital technology. With new advancements made in the tech sector, video game creators, filmmakers, and ever old-school writers have a lot of new tools at their disposal, allowing them stretch the limits of their imagination.

A lot of people understand that tech has had a serious impact. But, not many understand what tech is behind the development of new video games. So, in this article, we are going to take a look at all the different technological advancements that could have a significant change on the entertainment world. So, without further ado, let us delve into the main topic.

Personalizing Entertainment

Data analytics is one of the most fascinating aspects of the digital age. For those who don’t know, data analytics refers to the concept studying a user’s past internet searches, and compiling a list of things that they enjoy (or don’t enjoy) based on the data.

For example, if we look at a gamer’s steam account and notice that they’ve rated games like Devil May Cry or God of War high, we can assume that they enjoy old-school hack-and-slash games, with intermittent puzzles. The Steam management can then recommend games similar to those two.

The same principle can work in other mediums. Online gambling, for example, is one of the fastest growing sectors online. Websites like are constantly being flooded with new members, many of whom are looking to spin some slots or roll some dice.

Based on the data analytics of gamblers at online casinos, the websites could, theoretically, compile a list of games that they believe the player would enjoy. For example, if they notice that the player is engaging with low-risk, high-RTP slot games, that is what they are going to be recommending.

This principle can be applied to, really, any entertainment market. Book-discussion apps, like Good Reads, use this method to recommend new books to existing users, for example. The same is true for film-discussion apps like Letterboxd or IMDb.

Artificial Intelligence

A lot of fuss has been raised about artificial intelligence lately, and some for good reason. The new Open AI programs have been used by students and employees to circumvent their duties. Not to mention, a lot of the controversy surrounding AI art, which has even brought on talks about regulating the tech.

However, that doesn’t mean that we should throw the baby out with the bathwater. In fact, Artificial Intelligence plays a pretty significant role in video game development. All of the NPCs with original dialogue options use AI to respond appropriately.

However, if AI and machine learning technology continues to develop, we may, in fact, see a video game world where all of the NPCs have 100% unique, original, and not pre-programmed responses to the players queries.

Not only that, but we also may see a game where AI is used to give the main character (player) a more unique voice and role, which would be truly impressive, and do wonders for player immersion and interest. But, don’t think AI would only be effective in video game creation.

AI could also play a big role in film. We’ve all seen the “Top X Mistakes in Film” videos on YouTube, and similar video-sharing platforms. Though these mistakes may have gone unnoticed back in the day, with the internet, they are in the forefront.

While these mistakes shouldn’t ruin a film, for some, they do. And an AI program could easily spot these mistakes, and alert the film’s editors to them. Machine learning codes could also be used to edit books, and spot any instances of plagiarism or grammar errors, making publishing a lot simpler.

Virtual and Augment Reality

The first thing we have to bring up is that there is, in fact, a difference between virtual and augmented reality. A lot of people conflate the two, and while that is understandable, it bears mentioning that they are not the same. So, what are the differences?

To put it in plain terms, virtual reality creates an original image of a virtual world, starting from scratch. The tech fully-immerses users in an original world. On the other hand, augmented reality keeps us grounded in the world we inhabit, overlaying aspects of the virtual on top of it.

So, with the differences between VR and AR out of the way, the big question is; How can these things enhance the entertainment experience? Obviously, the topic has been addressed in media many times, so let’s take a look.

  • Virtual Reality

The big one here is gaming. But, seeing as how VR games are already a popular topic, we thought we’d look at an aspect of entertainment that many don’t discuss in relation to VR; sports. Imagine, if you will, attending the latest cricket match, while never leaving your home.

While that sounds impossible, or almost fantastical, with virtual reality it, theoretically, could be done. If the entire game is simulated in your VR headset, in real time, you will, for all intents and purposes, be right there, watching your favorite players score sticky wickets.

  • Augmented Reality

Once again, video games are the most obvious thing to go to when discussing AR. After all, games like Pokemon Go successfully used augmented reality to create a very enchanting and immersing experience. But, again, most people have already talked about AR and games.

Instead, we’d like to focus on music, particularly live shows. Most musicians make their money from concerts and touring. So, imagine how impressive it would be if, during a live show, you saw a digital replica of the band’s mascot floating above the audience. That kind of spectacle could really get a crowd pumped.

Things to Think About

Technology and progress are intricately tied. The more our society develops, the better our technology becomes, which in-turn, allows us to progress even further. Most people can experience this kind of progression through entertainment. But, what is really interesting to think about is that, the entertainment industry, while the most obvious, is not the only one that benefits from progress. Medicine, automotive, and many more markets are also deeply impacted by this progression.

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