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Top 3 Famous People Who Have Lost Heavily in the Games or Gaming World

Every individual who has ever played in the games or engaged in gaming has definitely lost some money in one way or another. The world of gaming might look very interesting and glittering, but it has its own set of drawbacks. Winning a fortune is just a dream that the games showcase to attract players. Losses cannot be ignored. The winners tend to make the headlines so that the people in the rest of the world can be motivated by them. However, the stories of the biggest losers do not make headlines. From the biggest names in Hollywood to the business owners, almost everyone plays games in the world mnl777

Upon exploring the biggest losses faced by celebrities or any other individual, we have come across a lot of information that no one can ignore. There are 3 big personalities whose names and their journey will be briefly accounted for here, giving clarification and a warning to individuals who get addicted to gaming. Apart from these stories, we have also come across other stories where gaming is such a big addiction that people play till the end of their lives in the regular casinos that they visit. 

Let’s start checking out the stories and names of celebrities who have lost heavily in gaming or casino games:

Terrance Watanabe

Watanbe inherited the Oriental Trading Company but sold it in about 2000. After he sold the company, his entire focus was on gaming. Caesar’s Palace is one of the leading games in which he played. In one year, Watanabe lost $127 million. This is definitely one of the biggest losses that have ever been recorded in Las Vegas. 

Archie Karas

Karas has recorded the longest and biggest winning streak in the history of games. However, the fall of Karas was also as big as the wins. In the ’90s, Karas came to Vegas with $50, borrowed about $10,000, and turned that money into $40 million. His favorite games were baccarat, and craps. In the next few weeks, Karas actually lost everything that he had earned. This showcases how volatile the gaming world is and how important it is to keep yourself in check. 

Harry Kakavas

The story of Harry Kakavas is another eye-opening story. He was a billionaire in Australia who lost everything because of his addiction to gaming. Kakavas gambled about $1.43 billion in 16 months in games and recorded a loss of $20.5 million. He had a high amount of wealth and even sued the Crown game for taking advantage of his addiction. However, he lost the case, and nothing came out of it. Kakavas could see how his addiction led to a major loss for him. Yet, he did nothing to control his desires. 

The above-mentioned stories showcase how bad the addition of games and gaming can be. That is the primary reason it should only be a hobby and nothing more than that if a person loves his financial security and the happiness of his friends and family members. 


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